Journal of Optics, Journal of Optics (United Kingdom), Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A, Journal of Optics, Nouvelle Revue d'Optique, Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliquee, Revue d'Optique Theorique et Instrumentale

ISSN: 2040-89782010 → …, 2040-89862010 → …, 1464-42581999 → 2009, 1741-35671999 → 2009, 0963-96591992 → 1998, 0150-536X1977 → 1998, 0335-73681973 → 1976, 2049-98171973 → 1976, 0029-47801970 → 1972, 0035-24891922 → 1968
Publisher: IOP Publishing Ltd.

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