Turkish Journal of Physics, Doğa: Türk fizik ve astrofizik dergisi, Nature: Turkish journal of physics and astrophysics, Doğa Bilim Dergisi - Seri A1: Matematik, Fizik, Kimya, Astronomi ve Yerbilimleri, Scientific journal of nature - series A1: mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy & geosciences, Doğa Bilim Dergisi - Seri A: Temel Bilimler, Scientific journal of nature - series A: fundamental sciences

ISSN: 1300-01011994 → …, 1303-61221994 → …, 1010-76301986 → 1993, 1011-09411984 → 1985, 0254-54971980 → 1984
Publisher: Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey - TUBITAK

Web of Science Journals Metrics
Year Impact Factor Impact Factor (5 year)
2023 1.4 0.9
2022 2.1 0.9
2021 N/A N/A
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Scopus Journals Metrics
Year CiteScore SJR SNIP
2023 3.5 0.33 0.52
2022 2.4 0.28 0.48
2021 1.5 0.2 0.4