Title |
Access China |
Bloomsbury Collections |
Brill Online: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law E-Books Online |
Brill Online: International Law E-Books Online |
Cambridge Core |
China Trade Monitor |
Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law (formerly Collected Courses Online / Recueil des Cours en ligne) |
Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video (via Alexander Street) |
Eighteenth Century Collections Online: Law Module (via Gale Primary Sources) |
Gale eBooks |
HeinOnline |
Hong Kong e-Legislation (HKeL) |
i-law (selected titles only) |
Investment Claims |
Investor-State LawGuide (ISLG) [New Interface] |
JustisOne [see vLex Justis] |
Kluwer Arbitration |
Lexis Advance Hong Kong [see Lexis+ Hong Kong] |
Lexis+ Hong Kong (new platform of Lexis Advance Hong Kong) |
Making of Modern Law, The: Legal Treatises 1800-1926 |
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law |
Oxford Academic Journals |
Oxford Scholarship Online |
pkulaw (English version of 北大法寶) |
Practical Law |
PrimeLaw |
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global |
SpringerLink |
Taylor & Francis eBooks |
Taylor & Francis Online |
Transnational Dispute Management |
United Nations Treaty Collection |
vLex Justis |
Westlaw Asia |
Westlaw Classic (formerly Westlaw Next) |
WorldTradeLaw.net Dispute Settlement Commentary Service (DSC) |
中國優秀碩士學位論文全文數據庫 China Master's Theses Full-text Database (via CNKI) |
中國博士學位論文全文數據庫 China Doctoral Dissertations Full-text Database (via CNKI) |
中國年鑒網絡出版總庫 China Yearbooks Full-text Database (via CNKI) |
中國法律年鑒 (收錄於《中國年鑒網絡出版總庫》) Law Yearbook of China (Access via China Yearbooks Full-text Database) |
中國法律法規庫 China Law and Regulation Database |
中國知網 CNKI |
中國資訊行 INFOBANK |
北大法寶 |
律商網 Lexis China |
革命文獻與民國時期文獻保護網 |