Title: WRDS (Wharton Research Data Services)

Available datasets:

  • Compustat Executive Compensation
    consists of executive compensation data for the company's top officers for companies within the S&P 1500.
  • Compustat Global
    provides data covering public traded companies in more than 80 countries, representing over 90% of the world's market capitalisation, including coverage over 96% of European market capitalisation and 88% of Asian market capitalisation.
  • Compustat North America
    provides U.S. and Canadian fundamental and market information on more than 24,000 active and inactive publicly held companies. It provides annual and quarterly Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cash Flows, and supplementary data items.
  • CRSP (The Center for Research in Security Prices)/Compustat Merged Database
    maintains the most comprehensive collection of security price, return and volume data for the NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq stock markets.
  • I/B/E/S (The Institutional Brokers Estimates System)
    provides consensus and detail forecasts from security analysts, including earnings per share, revenue, cash flow, long-term growth projections and stock recommendations.
  • ISS: Institutional Shareholder Services (formerly RiskMetrics). Governance
    provides data on classic takeover defense and other corporate governance provisions.
  • ISS: Institutional Shareholder Services (formerly RiskMetrics). Directors
    includes the universe of S&P 1500 companies with a range of variables related to individual board directors.
  • Thomson Reuters Institutional (13f) Holdings
    provides Institutional Common Stock Holdings and Transactions, as reported on Form 13F filed with the SEC.

Type: Company/Financial Data | Data/Statistics
Location: Web (remote access available)