Aberrant nuptials : Deleuze and artistic research 2 / edited by Paulo de Assis and Paolo Giudici.
Leuven University Press
Advancing the human self do technologies make us "posthuman"? / Ewa Nowak.
Peter Lang; Peter Lang International Academic Publishing Group
African evangelicanism and the transformation of Africa / [edited by] Jacob K. Olupona.
Georgetown University Press
Aging and self-realization : cultural narratives about later life / Hanne Laceulle.
Transcript Verlag; transcript Verlag
Imprint Springer; Springer Berlin Heidelberg; Springer Nature
Bad Christians and hanging toads : witch crafting in northern Spain, 1525-1675 / Rochelle Rojas.
Cornell University Press
Staff Officer of Archaeology - Civil Administration of Judea Israel Antiquities Authority
Staff Officer of Archaeology - Civil Administration of Judea Israel Antiquities Authority
Christians and christianity. Volume IV, Churches and monasteries in Judea / editor Noga Carmin.
Staff Officer of Archaeology - Civil Administration of Judea Israel Antiquities Authority
Cohabiting with spirits : the biography of a marriage in Mayotte / Michael Lambek.
University of Toronto Press
Disciples of white Jesus : the radicalization of American boyhood / Angela Denker.
Broadleaf Books
Taylor & Francis Group
Freudian Slips : Woman, Writing, The Foreign Tongue / Mary S. Gossy.
University of Michigan Press
Letteratura e psicoanalisi in Russia all'alba del XX secolo / Maria Zalambani.
Firenze University Press
The Catholic University of America Press
Imprint Springer; Springer International Publishing; Springer Nature