Title: CHANT (Chinese Ancient Texts)

CHANT (Chinese Ancient Texts) provides access to a collection of electronic databases of traditional and excavated ancient Chinese texts.

Subscribed databases in CHANT includes:

  • A Computerized Database of Oracular Inscriptions on Tortoise Shells and Bones 甲骨文文庫 - a computerized database based on seven mainland and overseas major collections of oracular inscriptions on 53,834 pieces of original tortoise shells and bones.
  • A Computerized Database of the Excavated Wood/Bamboo and Silk Scripts 竹簡帛書資料庫 - a database of the entire corpus of all published Jianbo texts, approximately 1.4 million characters in size. Scanned images of original texts can be viewed juxtaposed with the interpretation provided by the Cultural Relics Publishing House of Beijing in standardized characters.
  • A Computerized Database of the Entire Body of Extant Han and Pre-Han (pre-220AD) Traditional Chinese Texts 先秦兩漢一切傳世文獻電腦化資料庫 - contains the entire corpus of traditional texts of the Extant Han and Pre-Han (pre-220AD) period.
  • A Database of Traditional Chinese Texts of Weijin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties (220-589AD) 魏晉南北朝一切傳世文獻電腦化資料庫 - a database of traditional texts in the Six Dynasties period. Over 1000 titles have been inputted since 1992, amounting to more than 25 millions words.

Type: Fulltext | Primary Source
Location: Web (remote access available)